More Flooding May be Coming 9/20/2019! Here Are Some Ways to Be Prepared and Prevent Water Damage.
9/23/2019 (Permalink)
Check out This article from KNBN NewsCenter1:
Federal Officials and The US Army of Engineers are saying Omaha may be hit with more flooding and parts of Interstate 29 and 680 could be under water again! Be prepared and safe this weekend!
What should you put in your emergency kit?
1. A waterproof bag containing important documents like birth certificates, passports, ID and insurance documents.
2. Portable, battery operated AM/FM radio
3. Waterproof flashlight
4. New, spare batteries
5. First aid kit
6. Medications, toiletries and sanitary supplies
7. Special requirements for infants, elderly, injured, disabled people, and pets
8. Mobile phone and charger
9. Cash and bank cards
10. Emergency contact numbers
11. Spare house and car keys
12. Combination pocket knife (Swiss army knife)
13. Drinking water
14. Canned food
15. A can opener, cooking gear and eating utensils
16. Portable gas stove
17. Water container for storing, washing, and cooking water.
Once you have your emergency kit prepared, try and prepare your property.
1. Secure hazardous items, Roll up rugs, move furniture, electrical items and valuables to a higher level to prevent further water damage.
2. Turn off gas, electricity, and water
3. Put fuel in your vehicles
4. Place sand bags around your home
5. Evacuate when advised to do so
If your property sustains water damage call SERVPRO of Omaha Southwest today at 402-408-0134. We are here to help!